In the name of ALLAH, the most merciful, the most gracious..
Alhamdulillah..ALLAH bless me with the opportunity to join a talk in Melbourne about "THE IMPORTANCE OF SALAH" and I think its worth sharing..
SALAH by nature is prayer..and as the syeikh said, "It is the GREATEST, GREATEST gift from our Lord that protect us from fahsyaa wal munkar"
It is a gift from ALLAH to make us closer to HIM
It is a gift from ALLAH that erase the black dots on our hearts
It is a means of purification
It is a means of forgiveness
It is a means for us to communicate with ALLAH, our Lord.
Placing our forehead on the ground will not increase or decrease ALLAH's majesty..indeed it is for our own benefits..
We will not enter Jannah because of our deeds but because of ALLAH'S mercy
Our deeds are means for us to earn ALLAH'S mercy..
Indeed, we have Lord who is MOST kind, MOST forgiving..
"O ALLAH, we have sinned, please forgive us"..ameen..
The syeikh also addressed some physical benefits of SALAH:
1. It teaches us on to be focused. Wondering why I cant focus when studying blah,blah,blah..I have all this facebook stuffs.. well salah is the remedy..subhanallah..
2. It teaches us togetherness, unity
3. It teaches us leadership and how to be good team player
4. It teaches us to be dynamic and not static
5. It teaches us to look forward to worship ALLAH
6. It teaches us to be good to other people is the greatest GIFT..
Celebrate your life the way it should be celebrated..
And yes, place your forehead on the ground for the sake of ALLAH..
May ALLAH grant us the sweetness from that..ameen
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